bookmark_border6 Tips to Keep Your HVAC Running Year Round

If you live in the USA, HVAC systems are a huge part of your life. Between summer and winter HVACs can make or break your quality of life. The good news is that HVACs are becoming more energy efficient (though it can vary) so they don’t cost as much to run! Here are six tips to keep your HVAC running year round.

Prepare Your HVAC For Winter

Winter HVAC systems require a little more work to keep running smoothly. Dust and other debris can clog up your HVAC system, so make sure you run it at least once a week to avoid buildup. It’s also important that the HVAC vents are thoroughly cleaned out before winter begins – otherwise they could freeze shut when outside temperatures begin dropping below freezing!

One of the best things about an HVAC is how easy it is for DIYers to maintain their own HVRVs. Just follow these three steps:

  • Remove any leaves or twigs from around AC unit (especially if they’re located in front or behind)
  • Turn off electricity supply
  • Shut down water valve on back side
  • Adjust the thermostat to a warmer temperature in the fall and winter

Adjusting the thermostat to the HVAC system in the fall and winter is a simple way to make sure your HVRVs are always at their most efficient. By setting the thermostat to twenty-eight degrees Fahrenheit, you’ll reduce HVAC energy consumption by up to thirty percent – and that equates to major savings! Houses with HAVC units can be subject during cold weather, which means it’s important for homeowners to take steps now before they start feeling the effects of poor air flow.

Make Sure That There Is Enough Air Flow

Making sure that there is enough HVAC air flow is the first step to preventing HVRVs from breaking down. HAVC units have an internal sensor that tells them when it’s time to switch on, and they will do so if there isn’t a breeze coming their way.

*Tip: To keep your HVAC running smoothly throughout the year, you should make sure that there is always at least two inches of clearance between outside walls or nearby objects and the unit itself.*

To maintain consistent indoor temperatures in winter months, homeowners need to stay vigilant about heating performance as well. If your HVRVs are constantly cycling off and on during cold weather, this could be caused by insufficient insulation levels around windows and doors – or even ice.

Clean All Filters With Water

Cleaning the filters every month is very important because the HVAC unit will be more efficient and work longer before it needs to be serviced. The HVAC filters are necessary for removing debris that can clog up air ducts, which affects how well your HVAC system works. You should clean all HVAC filters every month or as needed, depending on usage. This is very important because a cleaner filter means the HVAC will keep working efficiently for much longer than if you don’t clean them at all – meaning increased savings in utility bills!

Cleaning the filters require es you to remove them from the HVAC unit and soak them in water. This is very important because a clean filter means your HVAC will work more efficiently for much longer than if you don’t – with increased savings on utility bills!

The HVAC filters are there to catch any debris that can clog up air ducts, which impacts how well your HAVC system works. You should clean all HVA filters every month or as needed, depending on usage. This is very necessary because a cleaner filter means the HAVC units will keep working efficiently for much longer than they would without cleaning – meaning increased savings on utility bills!

Change Out Your Air Filter

Cleaning filters when you haven’t done so in a while can make HVAC systems up to 25% more efficient, and it’s very important because the HVAC filters are there to catch any debris that can clog up air ducts. This is necessary for many reasons – most notably because a cleaner filter means HAVC units will keep working efficiently for much longer than they would without cleaning!

Clean Your Coils And Fins

Your coils are a very important part of HAVC systems – they’re the part of your HVAC units that actually cools down rooms in your house or office. If dust builds up on these coils, it can make them more difficult to work and will make HVA cooling less efficient!

To combat this problem, try washing off any dirt you see accumulating on the fins with a wet rag at least once per week. This should help keep your HVA running without any difficulties for much longer than other people’s HVA would be able to function!